
Environmental Policy


Riva Acciaio is aware that its production activities must always be environmentally friendly and considers the environmental sustainability of its production to be a goal that becomes more and more ambitious as technology and science progress and as citizens and other stakeholders become increasingly conscious of environmental issues. With this in mind, the company has adopted and constantly updated a specific environmental policy that is applied to all its plants for many years and also aims to guarantee the environmental sustainability of its activities, products and services.

Since 2007, all plants have implemented the “Best Available Techniques” (BAT) identified at European and international level. In addition, all plants have undergone a strict auditing process conducted by the relevant authorities (the region, the province and ARPA, the regional environmental protection agency) and obtained the necessary authorisations to operate the plants (Integrated Environmental Authorisation, AIA and Single Environmental Authorisation, AUA) that require meticulous monitoring of all emission sources.

Thanks to a detailed auditing system, major certification authorities regularly verify that the plants are always operated in compliance the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard. This international standard states that an organisation with a certified Environmental Management System must demonstrate to the certification authority that it is committed to constantly and continuously improving its activities and its environmental performance as required by the law.

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Riva Acciaio - (144,26 kB)
Caronno Pertusella - (85,88 kB)
Lesegno - (142,26 kB)
Sellero-Cerveno-Malegno - (138,71 kB)
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